At Keilir Computer services students can get assistance with most problems regarding their computers. Computer services offices are located by the main entrance of the Keilir Building and are open during office hours and can be reached around the clock through email.
There is free wi-fi for students in the main building. The network name is KEILIR-Nemendur and is open and not password protected. Please note that downloading copyright protected materials is strictly prohibited.
The Keilir Computer Network consists of an e-mail server, printer system, wi-fi and the schools learning management system. Students also have access to the informational system Inna and access to five Microsoft Office programs free of charge.
Students also have access to the Icelandic web dictionary Snara, which is only accessible through the Keilir wi-fi network. Those students who want to use the dictionaries services at home can register using their school account password and register for a year service subscription for a discounted price.
Students can access their Keilir email here and through the link called "webmail" in the topbar of the schools website. Students should receive their username and password upon registration as the school email is the main informational path between the school and students. Important information regarding the schools learning management system are automatically sent to student emails as well. Student emails are the username with the addition of
Office Professional Plus for Keilir students
Students have access to Office Professional Plus 2013 for PC users and 2011 for Mac users, in addition they can set the apps up on their smartphones. All in all there are five programs included in the package. Students also have access to Microsoft development softwar through DreamSpark free of charge. Instructions for Office set up can be found here.
Inna is accessible either through the link in the top bar of the Keilir website under "Inna" or through this link. Instructions for registration will be included in your welcome e-mail
Moodle Learning Management System
Keilir uses the Moodle learning management system. It is accessible through the Keilir website or through this link. It is best practice to use your Keilir email to register, students then choose their own password.
When a student has registered for the learning management system they register for their courses. This is done in cooperation with course teachers as all courses are accessible through registration key.
Microsoft Teams is used a lot in teaching at Keilir. It is used for distance meeting on work weekends, group projects and other communication between students and teachers alike. Microsoft Teams is a part of the Office package students receive access to through their email.
To use the printer system students have to get an access fob at the service desk by the main entrance. The access fob is also used to gain access to the school. When printing students need to log into the printer room computer, choose what to print and send it to the printer. Next students scan their fobs at the printer and choose print. Please use "print on both sides" if possible to save paper and your printing quota.