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Embassy Science Fellow hjá Keili

James Gentry og Luis E. Arreaga, sendiherra
James Gentry og Luis E. Arreaga, sendiherra
James Gentry, vísindamaður hjá Umhverfisstofnun BNA, vinnur tímabundið verkefni fyrir Keili.

James Gentry, vísindamaður hjá Umhverfisstofnun BNA, vinnur þessa dagna tímabundið verkefni fyrir tæknifræðinám Keilis. James kemur til landsins á vegum bandaríska sendiráðsins á Íslandi, á "Embassy Science Fellow" styrk. Hann mun einkum skoða möguleika á markaðssetningu á tæknifræðinámi Keilis í Bandaríkjunum, auk þess að koma á tengslum við bandaríska háskóla og stofnanir.

Embassy Science Fellow from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Keilir Institute of Technology is currently hosting Embassy Science Fellow and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency scientist, James E. Gentry.

Mr. Gentry will be assisting KIT in developing collaborative relationships with U.S. universities and small businesses conducting research in renewable energy. Mr. Gentry currently works at EPA's National Center for Environmental Research. He has formerly worked with the U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee as a Brookings Institution fellow, and as a metallurgical laboratory technician at Sanders Lead Company, a lead smelter and lead acid battery recycling facility in Troy, Alabama.

Mr. Gentry holds a Master of Science from Troy University in Environmental Management with a dual focus on environmental chemistry and environmental toxicology.