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Fyrirlestur um crowdfunding

Sherwood Neiss
Sherwood Neiss

Sherwood Neiss verður merð fyrirlestur Eldey frumkvöðlasetri, þriðjudaginn 3. júní frá kl. 15 - 17 en hann er einn af fyrirlesurunum í Startup Iceland sem nú stendur yfir. Sherwood er sérfræðingur í crowdfunding fyrir sprotafyrirtæki og mun hann flytja stutt erindi auk þess sem boðið verður upp á spurningar og svör og vinnustofu með þátttakendum.

Fundurinn verður haldinn í Svaninum, fyrirlestrarsal og er öllum opinn.

Mr. Sherwood Neiss, a principal of Crowdfund Capital Advisors, has a strong track record of building and leading successful companies as a chief financial officer. FLAVORx, Inc., a company Mr. Neiss co-founded, won Ernst & Young?s Entrepreneur of the Year award, as well as the Inc. 500 award three years in a row for building one of the 500 fastest growing private companies in the United States. This company was the June 2003 features story in Inc. Magazine. Mr. Neiss is a serial entrepreneur and investor, and has had a long history of successful investments, raising over $25 million in capital and successfully exited a company he co-founded. In a January 2014 article, VentureBeat listed Mr. Neiss as one of the most influential thought leader in crowdfunding.