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Nýsköpun og menntun í endurnýjanlegri orku

Dr. Wojciech Grega
Dr. Wojciech Grega

Dr. Wojciech Grega, prófessor við Tækniháskólann í Kraká, heldur fyrirlestur um möguleika fyrir frumkvöðla, nýsköpun og menntun sem snýr að sjálfbærri orkunýtingu. Hann fjallar um þá möguleika sem eru innan evrópska fyrirtækisins og samstarfsnetsins KIC InnoEnergy sem hefur það markmið að aðstoða frumkvöðla og fyrirtæki sem leggja áherslu á sjálfbæra orku og endurnýjanlega orkugjafa. Samstarfsnetið býður auk þess upp á háskólanám í endurnýjanlegum orkugjöfum á vegum þekktra háskóla og stofnana í Evrópu.

Fyrirlesturinn er á vegum tæknifræðináms Keilis og Háskóla Íslands og fer fram í aðalbyggingu Keilis á Ásbrú, miðvikudaginn 21. maí kl. 12 - 13.

KIC InnoEnergy's contribution to education and research

KIC InnoEnergy SE is a European company fostering the integration of education, technology, business and entrepreneurship and strengthening the culture of innovation, with the overall vision to become the leading engine of innovation in the field of sustainable energy. It comprises of an alliance of top European players with a proven track record.

InnoEnergy is one of the three KICs (together with EIT ICT labs and Climate-KIC) created under the leadership of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology. It is a commercial company, with 27 shareholders, all of them key players in the energy field, with top rank industries, research centres and universities organised around six offices in France, Benelux, Germany, Iberia, Poland Plus and Sweden.

KIC InnoEnergy's vision is to become the leading engine for innovation and entrepreneurship in the field of sustainable energy. Sustainability by addressing the reduction of the cost in the energy value chain (supply, transport, storage, distribution and retail); the increase of security (autonomy vis à vis the resource holders, intrinsic operational security); and the reduction of CO2 and other green house gas emissions.

KIC InnoEnergy delivers, among others, 3 distinctive outputs:

  • MSc, PhDs and PostDoctorate engineers in the energy fields described above, with strong entrepreneurship and hands on capabilities
  • Innovative technology for the energy processes, in the form of patents, new products and services.
  • Start Ups/Spin offs or businesses growth in those fields of energy, upon the innovations developed internally or identified externally

In the first 5 years of the industrial plan, KIC InnoEnergy will deliver inter alia:

  • 1200 students, PhD and midcareer professionals trained in InnoEnergy Education programs
  • 55 new products or services for the sustainable energy value chain
  • 37 patents registered (of which 10 transferred to SME)
  • 20 spin-offs/start-ups

Wojciech Grega, PhD, DSc, Full Professor of AGH in Krakow: digital control, optimization methods, distributed control, industrial control systems. Author and co-author of more than 150 papers and books. He has been coordinator or main researcher in 19 national and international projects; Vice Dean of the Faculty (1994-97); Head of the Control Laboratory (since 2000), Head of the Faculty Commission for Education (2001-2009); elected member of the EAEEIE (European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering) since 2005, European Union Academic Expert, KIC InnoEnergy Poland+ Educational Director (since 2011)