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Michael Boyle teaches at the Health Academy Seminar

Michael Boyle
Michael Boyle
Keilir Health Academy is proud to present that Michael Boyle, one of the foremost experts in the fields of Strength and Conditioning, Performance Enhancement and general fitness will be speaking at the international seminar for all trainers and coaches, 23.-25. September.

Keilir Health Academy is proud to present that Michael Boyle, one of the foremost experts in the fields of Strength and Conditioning, Performance Enhancement and general fitness will be speaking at the international seminar for all trainers and coaches, 23.-25. September.

Michael has been a featured speaker at numerous strength and conditioning and athletic training clinics across the USA and has produced nine instructional videos in the area of strength and conditioning available through M-F Athletic. In addition, Michael published Functional Training for Sports for Human Kinetics Publishers.

Other speakers at the seminar are dr. Chris Mohr who will speak of performance nutrition and Dave Jack, speaking of coaching: from good to great and metabolic/density training.