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Námskeið í útvisit yfir vetrartímann

Jón Gauti Jónsson, fjallaleiðsögumaður, kennir áfanga í útvist yfir vetrartímann í leiðsögunámi í ævintýraferðamennsku á vegum Keilis og Thompson Rivers University (TRU).

Jón Gauti Jónsson, er fæddur árið 1969 í Reykjavík. Hann hefur haldið námskeið í ferðamennsku, svæðafræðslu og náttúrutúlkun og er leiðbeinandi Björgunarskóla Slysavarnafélagsins Landsbjargar í vetrarfjallamennsku, fjallabjörgun og ís- og klettaklifri. Jón Gauti, sem er hjúkrunarfræðingur að mennt, var árið 2002 skipaður í Landstjórn björgunarsveita sem fer með yfirstjórn allra björgunaraðgerða á landi fyrir hönd Slysavarnafélagsins Landsbjargar. Undanfarin átta ár hefur Jón Gauti unnið sem fjallaleiðsögumaður í bakpokaferðum fyrir Íslenska fjallaleiðsögumenn.

Jón Gauti Jónsson is a winter camping instructor at the Keilir - TRU Adventure Studies Program in Iceland.

Jón Gauti was born and raised in Iceland and has over 30 years of experience recreating and working in the Icelandic nature (summer and winter). He has worked as a mountain guide since 1996 and has a background in both ice and rock climbing, general mountaineering, and ski touring (alpine and telemark), amongst other outdoor activities. Jón Gauti has been a member of the Icelandic Search and Rescue as well as the Icelandic Alpine Club since 1989, and has taught wilderness travel and leadership for aspiring hiking guides in the Icelandic Guiding School (MK) since 1999.

Besides guiding Jón Gauti has published three books, two of which are about travelling in the Icelandic Highlands. His book Fjallabókin (The Mountain Book) was nominated for the Icelandic Literary Price in 2014. Jón Gauti was further more an editor in Chief of Utivera, the only outdoor magazine issued in Iceland at the time. His third book was a collaboration project with George Fischer, a professional Canadian photographer. Jón is currently working on a fourth book about the Faroe Islands.

Jón Gauti is a registered Nurse B.Sc. from the University of Iceland and is a Wildernes First Responder (WFR). He has also finished the Canadian Avalanche Association Level 1 and Module 1 of the Level 2.

Jón Gauti runs his own private guiding company named Mountain Tours (mountaintours.is) and runs both professional and recreational courses in mountaineering, climbing (rock and ice) and Level 1-3 Hard Ice courses for the Association of Icelandic Mountain Guides.

We are proud to have such an experienced and weathered local in our instructor team!