Fara í efni

Renewable Energy Course in June

Keilir offers short courses focusing on the use and harnessing of renewable energy in Iceland. The courses include site visits to geothermal powerplants and hydro powerplants, in and around the Reykjanes peninsula, as well as the development and use of alternative fuels (biofuels, hydrogen, methane). Keilir offers short courses focusing on the use and harnessing of renewable energy in Iceland. The courses include site visits to geothermal powerplants and hydro powerplants, in and around the Reykjanes peninsula, as well as the development and use of alternative fuels (biofuels, hydrogen, methane).

In Iceland over 80% of total energy use comes from renewable energy sources. With only imported fossil fuels for the transportation sector and fishing fleet, this is by far the highest average of renewable energy use in the world. This is a unique place for those interested in geology and how land forms and is created. There are few places in the world where you are so actively reminded of the forces that are involved in creating and eroding the landscape.

Course participants will get an introduction to the utilisation of renewable energy sources in Iceland, energy policies, environmental aspects and energy efficiency. Focus will be on broad overview of the field of renewable energy with emphasis on local expertise and experience in Iceland.