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Fyrirlestur: Nýting affallsvarma til upphitunar á jarðvegi

Robert Dell
Robert Dell

Tæknifræðinám Keilis býður upp á opinn hádegisfyrirlestur miðvikudaginn 25. september næstkomandi. Þar mun Robert Dell fjalla um nýtingu affallsvarma til upphitunar á jarðvegi til gróður- og matvælaræktunar á Íslandi / Waste Geothermal Hot Water for Enhanced Outdoor Agricultural Production in Iceland.

Um fyrirlesturinn:

In Iceland there is a super abundance of waste geothermal hot water that can be used to heat the soil to accelerate plant growth by 20% and extend the growing season. Tomatoes, zucchinis and even banana plants can grow outdoors in Iceland without  a greenhouse.

Um fyrirlesarann:

Robert Dell is the Founding Director of the Center for Innovation and Applied Technology and the Laboratory for Energy Reclamation at The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art in New York City, where he is also Adjunct Professor of Mechanical Engineering.  He is Visiting Academic with the University of Iceland and Visiting Scientist with the Keilir Institute of Technology.

His many other research appointments include the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ( MIT), Fulbright, the American Scandinavian Foundation, The New York Botanical Garden, and the University of Iceland Research Stations. Prof. Dell is the Principal Investigator for numerous research grants. He has been a speaker and presenter at MIT, Harvard, Columbia, the University of Iceland, the Geothermal Resources Council   and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers ( ASME). He is First Inventor on three patents. Scientific American has recognized Robert Dell as one of the leading professional researchers in the New York City area.

Fyrirlesturinn er öllum opinn og fer fram 25. september kl 12 - 13 í stofu A-1 í aðalbyggingu Keilis á Ásbrú

Grein um nýtingu affallsvarma til upphitunar á jarðvegi