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Fyrirlestur um nýsköpun og hugmyndaauðgi

Professor Robert Dell
Professor Robert Dell
Prófessor Robert Dell frá Cooper Union háskólanum í Bandaríkjunum, heldur fyrirlestur hjá Keili mánudaginn 25. október. Fyrirlesturinn nefnist "The Innovation Mindset" og eru allir velkomnir. Fyrirlesturinn er milli kl. 12:10 og 12:50 í matsal Keilis. Prófessor Robert Dell frá Cooper Union háskólanum í Bandaríkjunum, heldur fyrirlestur hjá Keili mánudaginn 25. október. Fyrirlesturinn nefnist "The Innovation Mindset" og eru allir velkomnir. Fyrirlesturinn er milli kl. 12:10 og 12:50 í matsal Keilis.

Um fyrirlesturinn
Innovative thinking and creativity are common to all disciplines. Prof. Robert Dell, Visiting Scientist at the Keilir Institute of Technology, will present a simple system and approach that can free the mind and enable creative thought processes. 

Um Robert Dell
Professor Robert Dell, is the Director of the Laboratory for Energy Reclamation and Innovation at The Cooper Union. He is also a Visiting Academic with the Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Sciences at the University of Iceland. Prof. Dell is the author and Principal Investigator numerous research grants and was a guest speaker at Universities including MIT, Harvard, and Columbia. Prof. Dell’s many research appointments include MIT, The New York Botanical Garden, Fulbright The C.V. Starr Research Foundation and the University of Iceland Research Stations. He is First Inventor on three filed patent applications, and has also received international recognition for experimental visual art. Most recently Scientific American recognized him as one of the leading researchers in the New York City area.