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Hádegisfyrirlestur um nýtingu á jarðhita

Frá ylræktargarði Keilis
Frá ylræktargarði Keilis

Prófessor Robert Dell frá Cooper Union háskólanum heldur hádegisfyrirlestur sem nefnist ?A controllable geothermal micro climate at Keilir? í stofu A1 í aðalbyggingu Keilis 10. nóvember næstkomandi. Fyrirlesturinn er á vegum tæknifræðináms Háskóla Íslands og Keilis og hefst kl. 12:00. Allir velkomnir.

A controllable geothermal micro climate at Keilir

Keilir Visiting Scientist Robert Dell has developed an award winning controllable geothermal heated gardens similar to Iceland's heated sidewalks. It has produced enhanced outdoor harvestable crops of tomatoes, zucchinis, turnips, and oregano at the Agricultural University of Iceland in Hveragerdi. A similar project at the Keilir Institute of Technology has also confirmed the survival of plants that normally do not live in outside in Iceland. In New York City this system uses waste heat on green roofs that created a small cotton harvest. Keilir students are needed to help develop this new technology for commercial agriculture applications in Iceland.

Professor Robert Dell

Robert Dell is the Founding Director of the Center for Innovation and Applied Technology and the Laboratory for Energy Reclamation at The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art in New York City, where he is also Adjunct Professor of Mechanical Engineering.  He is Visiting Scientist with the Keilir Institute of Technology and a Technical Consultant for the United States Department of Energy.

His many research appointments include MIT, Fulbright, the American Scandinavian Foundation, The New York Botanical Garden, and the University of Iceland Research Stations. Prof. Dell is the principal investigator for numerous research grants and first author on award winning research papers. He has been a guest lecturer at Harvard, MIT, Columbia University, the University of Iceland, and the New York Hall of Science. Scientific American has recognized Robert Dell as one of the leading professional researchers in the New York City area. The Smithsonian Institution has established the ?Robert Dell Papers? as a permanent archive.

He is first inventor on ten patents.

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