Fara í efni

International Rafting Federation (IRF) Level 3 Assessment Course

Three day assessment course 22 - 24 May 2017 for experienced raft guides who wish to obtain the International Rafting Federation (IRF) Level 3 Guide or Trip Leader certification. The IRF Certification Award is recognized and accepted around the world as proof of whitewater guiding competency (where a regional or national issued certification is not required), and in some countries it has been adapted as a national standard and requirement.


  • Current basic first aid certificate for Level 3 Guide; current advanced wilderness first aid certificate for Level 3 Trip Leader (send a copy to gabriel@keilir.net)
  • Submit a Log Book recording your guiding activities, signed by the Trip Leader or Operations Manager of the company. Minimum of 30 runs or 60 hours for Level 3 Guide, and minimum of 75 runs or 150 hours for Level 3 Trip Leader (send to gabril@keilir.net).