ACTA Tecnology og Umhverfisstofnun Bandaríkjanna verða með veffyrirlestur í samstarfi við tæknifræðinám Keilis um þróun á orkunýtnum varmadælum.
ACTA Tecnology og Umhverfisstofnun Bandaríkjanna verða með veffyrirlestur í samstarfi við tæknifræðinám Keilis um verkefni sem tengist þróun á orkunýtnum og vistvænum varmadælum. Fyrirlesturinn er öllum opinn og fer fram í stofu A1 í aðalbyggingu Keilis, 26. september kl. 15:00.
ACTA Technology, Inc. funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Small Business Innovation Research Program will present a project: "Greener and More Energy Efficient Geothermal Heat Pumps" to the Keilir Institute of Technology on 26 September from 15:00 - 16:00. The video conference will occur in Keilir Room A1 and all are invited to attend.
To address increasing energy consumption and carbon emissions, there is a need for increased deployment of geothermal heat pumps. Geothermal heat pump systems are a proven renewable energy resource that provide significant energy savings in the range of 30 to 60 percent as compared to conventional heating and air conditioning units currently used in the United States. High initial installation cost is the primary barrier to geothermal heat pump acceptance in the U.S. marketplace.
Please join us in this interactive opportunity to learn more about this project.