Pushpa Kathir, Science Program Specialist with the National Institute of Food and Agriculture in the United States, has joined Keillr as an Embassy Science Fellow.
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Pushpa Kathir, Science Program Specialist with the National Institute of Food and Agriculture in the United States, has joined Keillr as an Embassy Science Fellow.
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Pushpa Kathir, Science Program Specialist with the National Institute of Food and Agriculture in the United States, has joined Keillr as an Embassy Science Fellow.
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Keilir offers short courses focusing on the use and harnessing of renewable energy in Iceland. The courses include site visits to geothermal powerplants and hydro powerplants, in and around the
Reykjanes peninsula, as well as the development and use of alternative fuels (biofuels, hydrogen, methane).
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Umsóknarfrestur um nám á haustönn 2010 rennur út 7. júní næstkomandi. Hægt er að nálgast upplýsingar um
námsframboð Keilis hérna.
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Grein í Fréttablaðinu 20. apríl 2010 um Orku- og tækniskóla Keilis og námsframboð í tæknifræði.
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Framkvæmdir við gerð hringtorgs við gatnamót Reykjanesbrautar og Grænásbrekku verða boðnar út á næstu vikum og lokið í
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Sumardaginn fyrsta síðastliðinn var opinn dagur hjá Keili og er áætlað að um 20.000 gestir hafi heimsótt svæðið yfir daginn.
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Ertu að þjálfa börn og unglinga? Ertu smeyk/-ur við að láta þau gera styrktaræfingar? Ertu óviss um hvort þú hvað þau
þola mikið?
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The flight instructors at Keilir have been busy taking photographs of the volcanic eruptions both at Fimmvorduhals and in Eyjafjallajokull in South Iceland. New photos posted on 19 April.
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